Hop bines can grow to up to 20' tall, so building a trellis that can accommodate this growth is essential. (Hops are considered bines and not vines: vines use suckers to affix themselves whereas bines use stiff hairs to aid in upward growth) Letting them grow up the side of your house, or laterally along a fence will work as well, but for the best results, a trellis is recommended. Dozens of examples and design plans can be found using your search engine of choice, but I decided to design my own. Commercial hop growers use a trellis that is between 15 and 20 feet tall. For my trellis system I decided to shoot for 15 feet. Harvesting hops from something at this height can be difficult and dangerous, so I wanted something that could be lowered easily. My simple design works similarly to how a radio antenna retracts. A smaller diameter tube is held up while positioned inside of a larger diameter tube. When the support rod and screws that hold up the top portion of the trellis are removed, the upper part of the trellis will collapse down within the larger tube - making harvest easier and safer. Before building your trellis make sure you have suitable growing location picked out! You will want to set up your hop garden in an area that will get lots of sunlight.

This is my semi-finished product. The large diameter 4" PVC pipe is driven about 3.5' into the ground, and the smaller 3" diameter pipe sits inside the base pipe. The upper portion is supported by a metal rod driven through the larger pipe. There is about 1.5 ft of overlap, and screws are driven in through both PVC pipes to keep everything from moving. At harvest time, the screws will be removed, then the support rod, and finally it can be collapsed down to a more manageable height. The T at the top can accommodate multiple bines growing up to it.
Parts and tools needed
4"x10' PVC Pipe
3"x10' PVC Pipe
2"x10' PVC Pipe
3" PVC Male threaded adapter
3" PVC female threaded T
2, 3" to 2" PVC reducers
4, 4"x.25" clothes line hooks
PVC cleaner, primer, and glue
Circular saw or hacksaw or sawzall
.25 inch drill bit
wrenches to tighten clothes line hooks
6-12" metal rod
shovel or post hole digger
4, 2" screws
Roll of heavy gauge jute twine or metal wire
Part I: Building the top T section
For this section you will need the following:
3" female threaded T
2, 3" to 2" PVC reducers
2 small sections of the 3" PVC pipe
PVC cleaner/primer/glue
1. Cut two small sections (about 1.5-2 inches) of the 3" PVC pipe. These two sections will be glued on opposite sides of the T joint so that the 3" to 2" reducers can be attached.
2. Glue the clean, prime, and clue the two sections cut in step 1. to the inside of the two non-threaded sides of the T. (the areas circled in red below are where the two sections of PVC are glued. there is enough overlap so that the reducers can be glued on. I had finished this portion of the construction prior to deciding to document it. oops.)
3. Clean, prime, and glue the two 3" to 2" reducers to the small part that is protruding out of the T (what you glued into the T in step 3.)
4. Using the Dremel grind out the inside of the reducer so that the 2" PVC pipe can be slid all the way through the T part you created in steps 1-3.
5. Test to make sure you have ground out enough by sliding the 2" PVC pipe through the T constructed in parts 1-3.
6. Remove the 2" PVC pipe from the T before moving onto the next step
7. Drill a .25" hole in the center of the T - You will be putting a clothesline hook here.
8. Using your Dremel or hack-saw, cut one of the clothes line hooks so that it will protrude into the inside of the T no more than .4"
9. Insert the shortened clothesline hook into the .25" hole you drilled in the T and fasten it with the provided nut.
10. Cut the 2" PVC pipe down to your desired length (this is the horizontal part at the top of the trellis) - I cut it to 6', but you could go longer or shorter
11. Slide the 2" section of PVC pipe into the piece you put together in steps 1-8.
12. Drill .25' holes through the 2" section of PVC equidistant from each other
13. Fasten the clothesline hooks into the holes you drilled in step 12
Part II: Attaching the 3" PVC Pipe
For this part you will need:
3" Diameter PVC pipe
3"male threaded cap/adaptor
the assembly created in Part I
PVC cleaner, primer, and glue
1. Take the the 3" male threaded cap/adaptor and glue it to one of the ends of the 3" PVC pipe.
2. Thread the 3" pipe into the top T assembly you made in Part I.
Part III: Getting it in the ground.
For this section you will need:
Post digger/shovel
The 4" diameter PVC Pipe
Drill and drill bit larger than the diameter of your 6-12" metal rod
1. Using the post digger or shovel, dig a 3-4 ft hole where you want to put your trellis (I shot for 4 ft but hit water at around 3.5)
2. Insert the 4" diameter PVC pipe into the hole
3. Make sure the pipe isn't crooked, and fill the hole back in (it will take a few days for the dirt to settle and make things really solid)
4. Drill a hole completely through the pipe 1.5 to 2 feet down from the top that will accommodate the 6-12" metal rod you have
Part IV: Assembly
Once the dirt has settled out and the 4" pipe is solidly in the ground, you can assemble the trellis.
1. Insert the 6-12" metal rod into the the hole you made in step 4, above.
2. Attach lengths of your jute twine or metal wire long enough to reach the ground where you will plant your hops to the clothesline hooks on the upper part of the trellis
3. With the help of a friend lift the upper part of the trellis up and slide it into the larger 4" PVC pipe so that it sits on the metal rod
4. Due to the diameter difference of the upper and lower portions of the trellis, the upper portion will fit pretty loosely. To fix the upper portion in place, Drive 4 screws where the two pipes overlap.
Congrats- you now have a completed trellis with metal wire/twine hanging down from the clothesline hooks at the top of the trellis. The final step is to affix the hanging ends of the wire/twine to the ground- close to where you will plant your hops. I affixed the lengths of twine to the wooden frame of my garden. Another common method is to attach the twine/wire to a tent stake and drive it into the dirt close to where you will plant your hops. Stay tuned for Part III of Growing Hops at Home: Planting and Maintenance!